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Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Does Obama’s Victory Mark the End of Racism in United States?

Does Obama’s Victory Mark the End of Racism in United States?

The history of African-American or also known as Black Americans was started from 16th century and became one of the most unforgettable moments until now. These Black Americans are the citizens of United States whose ancestors were emigrated from Africa hundred years ago. The migratory movement of African to America was done by the American colonies, the European explores. In 1600s, European traders brought this colored people to America and sold them as slaves to the white people.  The lives of the slaves were tough and miserable, as they did not receive any form of payments for their backbreaking work. Most of the female slaves dedicated their life as domestic helpers in their masters’ house. On the other hand, the male worked as farm laborers who plant and harvest crops. Not all blacks were slaves and these blacks were called as free black. Even tough these particular colored people were not possessed by anyone; they were denied of their rights and were discriminated by the white people because of their skin color. This racial segregation moved Martin Luther King, an African-American clergyman, to fight for racial equality in United States in 1963.  He delivered a powerful speech “I Have a Dream” in his advancement of civil right movement. He spoke about the importance of togetherness for all mankind without looking at their physical appearances. His speech influenced the entire United States and from that moment, the discrimination in public facilities, education and employment were banned.

Currently, race and ethnicity are still one of the major social issue in today’s society. The book Essential of Sociology defines race as differences in physical characteristics and ethnicity means the cultural values that distinguish different groups. Racism, a system of domination that believes one race is more superior to other races does still exist in American’s life. Although the government has proscribed discrimination on race in public, some people could not accept it and they still commit racist behaviors toward particular people. Barack Obama, the 44th president of United States and the first colored person who become the most important man has created a great movement in African- American history. Some people believe that by electing him as a president will make a significant change on how racial justice should be upheld. The winning of Barack Obama as a president is deemed as the end of racism since his race is the victim of discrimination that seems to have no end line. People hope that racial equality can be achieved through this way so no more segregation in the society. As Barack Obama has been elected, people are looking forward eagerly on how racism issue will be solved in the future. After reading the book and do some researches, it realizes me that the election of Barack Obama as a president does not end the racism in United States completely. 

Obama’s victory means a lot to the nation regarding of racism issue that happens in United States. The winning of a black man as president signals a huge step forward to the post-racial era. Tim Wise, an anti-racist writer, states, ”combination of race-neutral rhetoric and colorblind public policy comprises what [he] call post-racial liberalism” (Wise). He believes it may lead people to a better relationship among the races in all area of life. This is a dream comes true for African-American where race is no longer significant or important in the society. Formerly, colored people had a lower social status and they were not permitted from starting a conversation with white people. But in this current situation, white people are willing to listen to Obama’s. This condition shows that people are no longer looking on others based on their race and skin color anymore. In this context, Obama is the president and the citizens respect him no matter what is his race. 43 percent of white voters voted for Obama according to CNN Exit Poll. This statistic proves that people elect Obama based on his inspiration of his goals and aspirations for the country. There cannot be any more claims that America is racist country after all. The claims that stereotype United States as a racist country is no longer true. This is certainly a new era for African-American to show their ability as colored people who have the same opportunities as white Americans. Race cannot be used as an indicator to judge or even discriminate people.  Obama’s victory has shown that the racial discrimination in America is fading.

However, though Obama has been elected as a president, racial discrimination is still unavoidable. The racist behavior is originated since childhood and Obama’s victory does not stop it from happening. This behavior is learned through the process of socialization of the children and alternatively it will ingrain in their mind. It might be influenced from their family, peers, teachers, the media, and others around them. In 1939, Kenneth Bancroft Clark, an African-American psychologist, introduces a doll experiment to examine children’s attitude about race. Basically, numbers of black children were given two types of dolls, black and white skinned, and then they asked which one is the bad or the nice doll. Surprisingly, most of them would say white doll are beautiful and considered the black as a bad one.  After that, they were given a question, which asked,  Give me the doll that looks like you.” In answering this question, many children would refuse to pick either doll or just start crying and run away.  Clark concludes that these children "are subjected to an obviously inferior status in the society in which they live, have been definitely harmed in the development of their 'personalities' " (Maddox). Subsequently, in 2009 after Obama’s victory, similar test was conducted and the result was same. This test had proved that racial segregation has occurred since in school’s life. Although United Stated has already led by Black-American president, segregation based on race is still being applied. Racism happens in school and it will grow along together as these children become adults. Later on, once they have kids, their kids will also contribute in racial discrimination either as victim or perpetrator. This endless cycle keep continues unless we stop it during the primary socialization. Obama’ victory does not reduce racism issue in young generation’s life.

It has been almost four years since the election of Barack Obama as a president. It was believed as a turning point that would reduce the racial divides which happens in this multiracial country, United States. At that time, people presumed that it was the moment that has been awaited for Americans to improve their race relations among the citizens. But, sadly, many of Black-Americans do not feel any differences until today.  An exclusive Newsweek poll conducted a survey that asked black and white people about how their perspective changes after this election. The result showed “seventy percent of whites, for example, think that blacks have an equal shot at affordable housing; only 35 percent of blacks say the same. Seventy percent of whites believe that the two races receive equal treatment in the job market; a mere 25 percent of blacks concur. And while more than 80 percent of white people say the cops and courts usually or always treat blacks the same as whites, that number doesn't even clear 50 percent among African-Americans”(Romano). More black people know how is it feel being discriminated by the dominant group while most white do not. The victory of Barack Obama is noticed as a great sign on racial progress in African-American’s history. His winning really means something for the change of the America’s society, but the fact that African-Americans still suffer racism on their race is inevitable. Yet, this race relation issue seems not be improved by the president. Colored people are the victim of racial segregation and they are the one who will determine whether racial issue has ended or not. Based on the survey, they claim stereotyping does still occur. We can’t tell racism is ended if the victim does not say so. Therefore, for the last four years, racism issue in the United States is not getting better.

Obama’s failure in managing economic policies causes American citizens feel unsatisfied with his leadership. The impact of his fault in maintaining the economy of this country could influence the racial relations among the citizens in United States. A congressman representing Dallas said, “since Obama took office, 1.9 million fewer Americans have jobs, gas prices have doubled, a record number of Americans receive food stamps and the healthcare law has made it more difficult for small businesses to hire employees and provide health insurance”(UPI). Primarily, United States was having economic issues while led by white republican president. Then, during the presidential election in 2008, Barack Obama won the election because he belonged to Democratic Party. At that time, people believed that Obama’s presidency would create a new momentum for the nation to change as he came from different political party. Moreover, he had a different racial background that might give a solution how to make this nation becomes better from different perspective, which it gives the feeling that America was over race as well. But, the fact that his policies worsen the economy causes people to address critiques on him. The criticisms definitely will attack Obama from all aspects based on his political party, his leadership and finally his race. People would think there should no more second black president, as the first black president does not leave good impression to the nation. Racism would be reduced if Obama restored the economy and proved that other race can lead the country as well as white people, but it did not happen.

Although he has won, the election of Obama did not close the racial divide between black and white people. From the daily news we can see that racism does still exist in Obama’s presidency. Recently, a white teenager is sentenced to life because of murder case. He pleaded guilty for committing a criminal action that took someone’s live by droving over and killed black man with his car. He and “[his friends] yelled ‘white power’ during the assault”(Severson). The statement made by this young teenager explicitly intimidating other races that alternatively implies that his race is more superior to the black race. But racial divide is no longer goes toward colored people anymore; Obama’s winning now has created a new terminology that called reverse racism. It happens when white people feel they are being discriminated against because of their race. Mona Charen, a conservative columnist for the National Review says, "Did [African-Americans] become racist after electing the first black president?"(CNN). Currently, black people start racism towards white people as racial payback for past injustices. Black people feel more powerful since United States governed by black president and they start to be racist on other race that discriminated them beforehand. The racism issue now is going from both sides. There will always be racial inequalities, but Obama's election did take it one step further. Yet a new type of racism issue, reverse discrimination, arises after Obama’s presidency. These divisions cannot be changed over night, and will never fully disappear. The options are remained the same or gotten worse.

The unfortunate truth is that racism toward black people still exists in American culture until present day. The winning of president Barack Obama has not resulted in closing the "racial divide" in United States. Many African-American are still suffering from discrimination in this millennium years. Racism has existed since childhood as a result of social influences and whoever the president; it will not change anything unless he or she takes a further step about this issues. After that, Obama’s mistakes in making economy worse does not leave a good impression as the first black president in America history. Moreover, his presidency causes reverse racism issue in the society. Through out the years, America has made progress from the days when the government enslaved African-Americans and this country still has a long ways to go to have the true racial equality. The election of President Obama's definitely is a step in closing the racial divide between black and white Americans, but it is only the beginning. There’s still a long way to go to end racism in United States. Therefore, Obama’s winning does not mean that racism is ended.

                                                Work Cited

Blake, John. "Are Whites Racially Oppressed?" CNN. Cable News Network, 04 Mar. 2011. Web. 26 June 2012.

Maddox, Jr., Alton H. "Clark's Doll Test: Obama or Clinton?." New York Amsterdam News 31 Jan. 2008: 12. MasterFILE Premier. Web. 22 June 2012.

Romano, Andrew, and Allison Samuels. "Is Obama Making It Worse?." Newsweek 159.16 (2012): 40-42. Academic Search Premier. Web. 22 June 2012.

Wise, Tim J. Colorblind: The Rise of Post-racial Politics and the Retreat from Racial Equity. San Francisco: City Lights, 2010. Print.

"Hensarling: Obama 'Making Economy Worse'." UPI Top News (2012): Newspaper Source Plus. Web. 22 June 2012.
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Out of Class Essay #2 : Giving a Second Chance to the Juveniles

Everybody in this world deserves a second chance. People may have done something unforgivable in their life but with the great willingness to change, why can’t we give them another shot in their life? Currently, gang fight, robbery, drugs, prostitution and murdering are no longer only committed by adults; there is actually a growing amount of minor offenders or juveniles. The numbers of juveniles’ crimes have proliferated and become one of the largest public concerns in the society. To overcome this issue, government established a juvenile justice system that diverts the youth offenders away from adult prison, and functions in encouraging rehabilitation based on the juveniles’ needs. Mark Salzman, the author of “True Notebook: A Writer’s Year at Juvenile Hall”, shares his notable experiences in teaching writing for the students who most of them are murderer. Giving lectures at juvenile hall had changed Mark’s perspective of juveniles. Also, the informant Steve Mitchell who is an active officer in juvenile hall gives his view of the significance of the juvenile justice system as well. After reading the book and having had an interview session, I came to the thought that the juveniles should not be treated as adults; they should be given an opportunity to change themselves through rehabilitation.
Reading the book “True Notebook” has changed my perspective about teenagers who commit crime. Firstly, I feel that the juvenile justice system is redundant as the juveniles are most likely to lose the case and sentenced to be housed in jail for a long period of time. The juvenile hall only act as a mean of transportation as these juveniles will be sent to adult prison once they reach the age of 18. Based on my initial judgment, if someone commits a crime, regardless of their age, should not be forgiven and given second chance as it is their nature to commit crime and it is almost impossible to change someone nature. However, my judgment was altered; the book and interview session has changed my perception about juvenile justice system. Steven Mitchell argues that by locking the juveniles for months will not change anything, as what they really need are programs that can help to shape their mind and behavior.
So, once they are released to the society, they would not repeat the same mistakes again. Juvenile hall provides education, meditation, psychiatric medication and other volunteer activities for the delinquents. He believes that through these programs, the juveniles’ characters are reshaped where it will make significant changes on their behavior. They were trapped in dark side of the world and we ought to help them through juvenile hall.
Parents have significant roles in juvenile crime .The absences of their figures is the main reason why kids bear criminal behaviors and join gangs. Victor, one of Mark’s students, denounces the society as they judge him without knowing what condition forces him to commit youth delinquency. He has no father who can provide his family needs. His mother does not care about his education and even insisted him to look for a job. Victor writes, “[the society] don’t know what it’s like to grow up not having a role model in your life”(290). Parents are the first members of primary socialization and their presence is crucial as it the growth of child’s behavior. It is their duty to protect and to educate their child, but nowadays, there are many children who are deprived from it. Consequently, these adolescents might end up joining gangs as they are getting the attention and protection from their fellow gang members, the attention and protection they are lacking from their parents. Mostly, these juveniles are having problems with their families at home and it triggers their urge to find other social groups, like gangs, that will provide them with affection instead of problems and also accepting them as who they are. This marks the start of their delinquency, as their parents are not there to guide and punish them. Thus, by sentencing them behind the bars would not change their behavior but instead, making it worse.  Therefore, they ought to be sent to juvenile hall instead of prison.
Sending teenage offenders to juvenile hall could reshape their behavior. These youths are the lawbreakers and they need to be disciplined in order to stop them from repeating the same mistakes. In “True Notebook”, Mark indicates two methods used by the officers to control the youths, which are “Special Handling Unit” and “Lockdown”. Jimmy Wu, Mark’s student, describes Box, another term of SHU, as a “solitary confinement, with a video camera watching [them] 24/7”(36). It is a brilliant way to isolate the youths who disobey the rules, such as: fighting or smoking, for a couple of days as it allows them to introspect on themselves, reflecting back on their action and attitude. Students’ writing proves the effectiveness of this method. In their writing, many of them said that if they are able to go back to the past, they do not want contribute in a gang’s activities. They deeply regretted for their action as one of the student wrote, “[i] can’t do much about what happened except regret my stupidity and look towards the future”(178). After that, to increase the disciplinary, sometimes the youths are lockdown. It happens if a fight breaks out, then the whole unit gets punished. By doing this, the youths’ disciplines are trained and they learned to obey the rules. Juvenile justice system controls and alters the youths’ behavior. Being sentenced to adult prison will only worsen the juveniles’ situation as they are being locked with adults. The juveniles are mixed up with adults that committed serious crimes and they might influence the youths to commit an even more serious crime than what they did. Hence, juvenile hall provides a good environment for the youths to stay away from having bad criminal’ minds.
Furthermore, the education given by Juvenile hall benefits the youths to dig out the self-potency that they never knew. In juvenile hall, the youths are required to attend school during the probation. Throughout the lessons given, Marks says in his novel that there are not much people who are not surprised with the youths’ writing skills. They are actually not as bad as they seen. Steven Mitchell argues, “the youths have more good than bad, but the bad outweigh the good”. People perceive that the juveniles absolutely have a bleak future. They believe that these youths can only do nothing but crimes. In “True Notebook”, Six of Mark students are able to graduate from high school and receive their diploma degree. By receiving this title, it shows to the society that they all are qualified youths. This does not apply to these six of Mark’s students only; it applies to all the juveniles in the world as they all have hidden talents that are yet to be discovered.  Francisco Javier states, ”damn! I had no idea how talented I was” (59). Juvenile justice system does not only act as a holding facility as it also gives an opportunity for the juveniles to keep on learning during their probation by providing them with the appropriate education. Steven Mitchell says about a kid who had been released, saying that he would not get a proper job if he was not sent to the juvenile hall. For some of the juveniles who are facing financial difficulties, it maybe an advantage to be sent to the juvenile hall as it is better than living on the street which might lead them to commit more crime. Furthermore, these juveniles will be schooled in the juvenile hall.  Thus, by sending them to the juvenile hall, it will be better for them as they would not receive any schooling in the adult prison.
Placing the delinquents to juvenile justice system is more suitable instead of incarcerating them in the jails because they are treated properly inside the juvenile hall. Steve Mitchell affirms that the youths are given 3 meals a day, 2 times of snacks and free time to socialize with the peers every day. They are allowed to watch television in dayroom or play sports just like other normal kids. Mark writes that juvenile justice system provides nurse regulars that offer psychiatric medication for those who need it. There are many youths who cannot stop thinking about their cases. Jimmy, Mark’s student, states that when a guy loses his cases there is high possibility that he might consider suicidal (36). In this case, the nurses help the youths to prevent it through therapy and teaching them how to improve their quality of life. Afterwards, the juvenile hall also hosted sports Olympic which encourage the youths to do other activities instead of creating chaos. Moreover, the juveniles are also given various entertainment events such as cowboy show and retreat for the writing class. The services and activities in juvenile hall create a positive environment for the youths to change themselves. The delinquents cannot be punished as adult because metallically, their minds are still immature. If they are subjected to the same penalties as adults, we are not giving them any chances to get better education or any kind of rehabilitation. In short, imprison them is almost the same as throwing their life away without giving them any hope to have a better future.
The Juveniles are still young and we cannot take their life by punishing them in jails.  By sentencing them behind the bars, it would worsen their condition as the adults might be a bad influence for them.  We should give opportunities for the youths to develop their talent in both academics and non-academics. Lacking of education and guidance are the main reasons why they are committing youth delinquency. In order to overcome that, we ought to help them based on their needs. Throughout the juvenile justice system, the youth being educated, matured and given a second chance to show the society that they are not as bad as what people are stereotyping about them. By treating the teenage offenders in the same way as we treat the adults, it might create hatred inside them and they might commit an even more serious crime once they are released to the society. Therefore, the rehabilitation should be given and focused on the delinquents.


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